Sunday, December 14, 2008


I awoke to this yesterday. Blue skies and warm, warm weather.
I decided to forgo housekeeping and instead head out to do some Christmas shopping.
It's business time.
After completing my first mission, I stopped by to see Wiki and ice some cream. Then, off to more shopping.
It was such a nice day that I decided to walk home from the store.
Just kidding - I missed my bus by about ten seconds. But it was a nice walk.
My house is right next to that pointy thing in the middle of the photo.
Later, I joined up with my posse and we took a field trip to a neighboring hick town.
....after which we dropped in to the Hi-Way diner and entertained ourselves by building towers of condiments

and toppling them.
3 o'clock.
= time for bed.
Goodnight, Saturday.

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