Wednesday, October 1, 2008

On My Obsession With Animals With Squished Faces:

I have recently found that one of the many wonderful consequences of working a full-time job is that I can afford things that were once completely out of my budget. And although I do currently have a few financial monkeys on mah back(paying off a loan, saving for a vehicle, etc.), I was mucho excited to realize that I may be able to acquire one of these little dears in the not-so-distant future:

I refuse to be a crazy dog lady, though! There will be no dog sweaters, no dog shoes, no carrying of the dog in a doggy handbag, and no baby-talking to the dog!

I'm currently open to suggestions for names. For a boy, I'm considering Merle, Vernon, or Waldo. For a girl, I think the name "Gul" is really funny(it actually means "rose"), but that might be a little too out there. Maybe Florence. Or Tottie.

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